You all know Chashama from installations and grants of studio space around the city. I just discovered they host a film festival.
chashama Film Festival 2010!This is the time where we ask you to send in your movies ASAP To be eligible for screening at this years festival. We will be accepting through august 14, 2010
We are looking for movies that are themed philosophically;
* documentaries,
* Narratives and
* music videos.
They can range in time from 10 seconds to 120 minutes.
Submission Fees are:
$10$ for 10sec-1min
$20$ 1- 60min,
$30$ 61min-120min.
HALF PRICE: When you get others to submit.
Our deal this year is half price for any who submit and has an associate submit.
Zero budget to Billion dollar budgets accepted!
We ask that you forward this message to all filmmakers looking for an outlet
AND take advantage of our half off prices.
Screenings will Occur Oct.22-23, 2010
And, of course , you can submit for the
OPEN CALL for Videos on Broadway.