Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, back in the USSA

We're back. So sorry for the long hiatus, as a famous writer once said, "we've been in trouble's kitchen and we licked out all the pots". It actually wasn't that bad but it took all our combined energies to get back to our groove. There was a lot of great creative stuff during the time too and I'll be posting at least every day to get caught up. But for of the wonderful things I did during the hiatus, was to go to a non-tourist Egypt for a few weeks as a volunteer to work for Surgical Volunteers International--a great organization--to do lip and cleft palate repair. Admittedly, I have no medical background, but I'm a hard worker and I don't mind doing anything so I wasn't too worried. I ended up with the perfect job, the intra-operative photographer. Here are some snaps...the last one is of me with Tom Flood, the head of Surgical Volunteers international. They get donations of equipment, doctors and everyone else contributing their time and travel etc. Did I say what a great organization it is? Hint, hint.

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